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Updated Hugo Site Automation Generator

I’ve decided to finally go back and revamp my original hugo setup which can be found in the Hugo Site Auto Generated by Lambda post. The issue with that previous setup was if I had multiple posts (markdown files), the S3 event would trigger the lambda function as many times as the number of files uploaded, when I only needed it to run once after all were uploaded.

My new plan was to publish the markdowns to github and have a lambda function trigger to pull the files and put into S3.

I wanted to use the git clone, but I cannot install git on the container lambda is running on.

I did try to package git binary with the lambda package, but the folder name git was conflicting with the python package git because of the way python files must be packaged for lambda. Another language might support it but I’m learning to write lambda functions in other languages from other means.

So I setup travis. After a quick setup and a small little python unittest, the code from my repository is being deployed to S3 - as so long as my tests pass. giThe test I wrote, checks the format of the hugo headings in the md files.

Shortly after, I realized that I do not need to clone, I just need to download, and I can use the zip download link from github.

I removed the deploy from travis and added the github signature check lambda function to an API Gateway endpoint and hooked that up to a github Webhook so push events to the repo will trigger the github signature check lambda function.

Upon success of the github signature check, it will send a done message to sns which will trigger the lambda function that does the github download and deployment of my hugo site.

All that description is simply demonstrated with a diagram:

Automating Smylee.com updates with Hugo workflow diagram
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