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Solar Panels

My solar panels are finally up and running! They’ve been up for about 2 months now but there was always something that needed to be adjusted or inspected. I signed the paper work on January 26, SIX months ago! It should’ve been on two-three months ago, but paperwork was messed up and they didn’t include the new electric panel on the initial install. Then I was waiting for inspection, turns out, they were waiting for word on some work that was already completely a month an a half before I called to follow up! Anyway, at least they are finally done and I am grandfathered into the original Net Metering.

Camera Facing West, Panels Facing East; Mustang :) Camera Facing East, Panels Facing West

I received a profile to monitor the generation of the panels and in the settings saw there was API access…


API ACCESS!?! WOO! Of course I wanted to add it to my site. Took about a day to get it all connected and working and you can find more about my solar generation and how I set up the API.

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