Static HTML site generated by Hugo site generator. When the content directory in S3 is changed, a Lambda function will trigger Hugo to update.
Tools used in this project
- Amazon API Gateway, Lambda, S3, Route 53, CloudFront
- A domain name (
Setup the Domain Name
- Route 53
- Create Hosted Zone > Domain Name > Public Hosted Zone
- Add Name Servers to your registrar
Create S3 Buckets
- - Main public site
- - Redirects to main public site
- - Contains the assets used in the static site. Will be used by CloudFront
- - Contains the Hugo site files to be generated. Lambda function will trigger from a change in this folder.
- - Contains the zip file that will be used by Lambda
Setup Site
- Upload an index.html file to the bucket.
- In the bucket properties for, choose “Static Website Hosting” > Enable website hosting > Index Document: index.html > Save
- Back in Route 53, create a new recordset for > A - IPv4 address > Alias: Yes
- Choose the s3 bucket from the Alias Target drop down list (bucket and domain must match.)
- Save and go to to view your website.
Create CloudFront
- Create distribution
- Web > Get Started
- Complete Form:
- Origin Domain Name: Amazon S3 Bucket >
- Origin Path: /
- Origin ID:
- Restrict Bucket Access: Yes
- Viewer Protocol Policy: HTTP and HTTPS
- Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs):
- All other fields leave as the default settings.
- Copy the domain name listed for the Distribution.
- Go back to Route 53 and Create a Record Set in the Hosted Zone for CNAME with the Value of the copied CloudFront Distribution domain name.
- Upload something to the S3 bucket and once the Distribution is ready, try to access the file with the domain name.
Setup Hugo Locally
- Follow the steps in the Hugo Site Generator quickstart guide up to step 9.
- Make the following changes to your toml file:
- domain name
- default location for images (cloudfront)
Upload Hugo files to S3
- Upload the Hugo files to the S3 bucket
Prepare Lambda zip file
- Download hugo_0.15_linux_amd64.tar.gz or hugo_0.16_linux-64bit.tgz from
- Uncompress the downloaded file and rename the Hugo binary to “hugo”.
- In the same directory, download the file.
- Open the file and replace: asset_bucket, src_bucket, dest_bucket and theme_name.
- Zip the files by selecting all and compressing. Do not compress the files using the parent folder.
- Upload the zip file to the bucket.
- Click the file just uploaded and in properties, copy the Link of the file.
Create the Lambda Function
- Create a new Lambda Function; skip selecting blueprint.
- Name the function and choose Python 2.7.
- Choose “Upload a file from Amazon S3”
- Paste the Link copied from the previous section into “S3 link URL” textbox.
- Use the Lambda_basic_execution Role (existing or create new.)
- Change the timeout to 10 seconds.
- Leave the rest of the settings default. You can choose your own VPC, but I’m choosing “No VPC” in this configuration.
- Review and Create.
- Once it’s created, click the “Event Sources” tab > Add Event Source.
- Choose “S3” for the “Event source type”.
- Complete the form:
- Bucket:
- Event type: Object Created > PUT
- Prefix: content
- Suffix: md
- Enable event source: Check
- Submit
- This will create a trigger event for when a .md file is uploaded to the content directory of the bucket.
Try it!
- Create a new post locally. When done, upload the file to the bucket and folder. Wait a few seconds and check your site. It should have your latest post created.
AWS Costs for creating this project
- AWS provides a lot of services for free for the first 12 months of sign up and beyond. More information can be found on AWS pricing pages.
- Cost should be less than $1 to create this project. If you decide to keep this project up and running it could cost as low as $5-10/month depending on how much storage is used, frequency of updates, and traffic to your site.
- Lambda pricing cost - Doesn’t start to charge until you’ve made 1 million requests and gone over 400,000 GB-Seconds (each billed separately.)
- Route 53 pricing cost - Cost $.50 a month to host a domain and $0.40 per 1,000,000 queries for the first 1 Billion queries.
- CloudFront pricing cost - Depending on the region your user is coming from and the number of requests will determine the cost.
- S3 pricing cost - Depends on region, for Oregon, first 1 TB / month is $0.0300 per GB.