Welcomed Unwelcomed Guests

While hanging out in the backyard, I notice apple is barking at a hanging planter next to the backdoor.

Hanging planter next to backdoor.

So I go over and see what it is...? Apple is slippin! Turns out a dove has decided to make my planter it's nest.

Dove sitting in a hanging planter.

And what's that next to it...? Awww! A baby birdie!

Dove sitting in planter with it's baby bird

Two baby birds! And they are so big! How did we not see this? Had to be there for at least a month.

Two half grown baby birds sitting in a hanging planter.

It's not too surprising there's a bird nest in the backyard as the doves come back every year and post up under our patio. They always make a mess with their poo so we bought these bird deflectors which actually work really well.

If they succeed in making a nest and lay eggs, I let them take it's course. This year, I caught them in the act of making the nest and replaced all our deflectors. It worked as the barely finished nest was abandoned. I guess the hanging planter is where they ended up. Surprisingly they didn't make a mess...well, if they did it ended up all in the planter and the grass below it.

Two grown baby birds sitting in a hanging planter.

They day we were scheduled to leave for Vegas, they were no longer in the planter, but up in the power lines learning to fly. It was bittersweet, but I was glad I saw them flying around before we left for the week.

I absolutely loved that they were within arms reach. If only I could pet them. :p Until next year little sneaky birdies; I'll be keeping a lookout at the planter now. ;)

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