The Backyard

The backyard is blooming! We'll be leaving soon for a week and with Comic-Con around the corner thought I'd take some shots before the storm.

The Zuchinni is doing very well, should have some veggies when we get back.

Zucchini plants growing in the ground, no flowers yet

The tree is beautiful and I hope my neighbor enjoyed the two months with no leaves falling into their pool. Sorry!

Jacaranda tree sprouting leaves and flowers.

And what's that? A little birdie hanging out in the tree...

Bird on a branch in a tree

And last, the plumeria will have flowers this year. I added more soil so it will be very very happy. The flowers from this plant are yellow and pink. I've actually had someone in the past comment on the colors as I guess it's not that common. Will post after it blooms.

Plumeria sprouting buds.

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