Yo-yo, Yo!

After returning from DrupalCon with a novelty yo-yo, Raul turned around and bought me a real one. That novetly has nothing on my Maverick.

He even bought finger covers and a trick glove. The after one day of using it (~3 hours), my sholder and arm was sore for about three days. :[

Yo-yo, glove and finger covers

I'm still practicing the sleeper, but it's fun to attempt some other tricks as so long as it doesn't hit my face (which hasn't happened just yet :x).

I tell Raul that I do the slowest yo-yo tricks. Maybe I'll get a video up some day. In the meantime, here's an awesome photo taken by Ruben!

Me tossing the yo-yo in the air.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy